The people who make The Open Future programme

Martina Kolesárová
Executive Director
+421 2 5710 8111
Martina is responsible for managing teams and themes in the field of strategic philanthropy and social innovation at the Pontis Foundation. In addition, he covers the Foundation's fundraising activities and the development of relationships with corporate and institutional partners.

Alica Vidová
Programme Consultant
+421 940 612 734
Alice is in charge of partnerships with experts from the practice. She contacts inspiring people who come to the centres with their life and work stories, as well as the companies where the visits take place. It is also dedicated to the dissemination of the programme and the in-house training of youth workers.

Martin Točík
Programme Consultant
Martin leads the Volen centre Future INAK. She is in charge of its running, working with children, communicating with regional partners and also accompanying children on trips or visits. Provides material equipment for the centre and communicates with the school management.

Lucia Gregorova
Team Leader
+421 907 438 865
Lucia leads the team of the Future INAK programme. He is responsible for coordination of the whole team, fundraising and communication with partners. It is also responsible for the content, dissemination and measurement of the programme's impact.

Dominika Gerhátová
Programme Coordinator
Dominika is the main coordinator of the centre in Trnava. She is in charge of its running, working with children, communicating with regional partners and also accompanying children on trips or visits. Provides material equipment for the centre and communicates with the school management.

Arnold Kiss
Maxman Consultants
Arnold is an enthusiast for Slovak education. He is also a trainer and consultant with Maxman Consultants, a company that has been working on the topic of soft skills in business for 25 years, helping educational non-profit organizations reach their potential.

Marián Holienka
Faculty of Management of Charles University
Marián is an associate professor at the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Management of Comenius University in Bratislava. In his teaching and lecturing activities, he deals with the issues of entrepreneurship education, training and development of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills.

Eva Klimeková
OZ Mini Tech Institute
Eva is the co-founder of the Mini Tech Institute, where she is the guarantor of the quality of the content and the author of the Mini Tech MBA curriculum. She received her PhD. in Theory of Teaching Informatics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University, she also worked as a teacher of informatics at the Gymnasium Jura Hronec in Bratislava. She is a member of SPy o.z., co-organizer of the PyCon SK conference and founder of EduSummit.

Marek Zámečník
Marek founded the startup incubator RubixLab and in 2016 he co-founded 0100 Ventures, which provides startups with co-working space at 0100 Campus and organizes startup conferences. He also serves as CEO of Vestberry, which provides analytics software for private equity investors.

Peter Dral
OZ New Education
Peter is the director of the New Education NGO and an analyst in the project It Makes Sense. He worked for over 8 years at the Milan Šimečka Foundation, co-founded the campaign We Want to Know More about the Future of Education in Slovakia. It also helps to explore interventions to reduce prejudice in society.

Anna Symington-Maar
OZ Rozmanita
Anna is the Executive Director of Rozmanita. She ran Teach for Slovakia, where she set up a development programme for inclusive work with children. She studied philosophy and physics at King's College London and international education at Oxford. She has taught children from disadvantaged communities in Nepal, Colombia, Thailand and London.

Jakub Simek
Jakub worked at the Pontis Foundation for over 12 years and was in charge of global education projects. The Sote ICT and Sote Hubs programmes in Kenya, help young budding entrepreneurs and start-ups from as early as high school. It is also dedicated to promoting social innovation and the Social SDGs project.

Tatiana Švrčková
Slovak Telekom
Senior Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist at Slovak Telekom is responsible for corporate responsibility, philanthropy and corporate sponsorship. He represents Telekom in associations such as BLF, ASFIN, Engage. She was at the birth of the Mobile Educator programme and the Fund for Transparent Slovakia.

Vladimír Eliáš
He currently works as CEO for MasterApp in San Francisco. He is responsible for the opening of the US office, networking, consulting processes and seeking business opportunities. He is behind projects such as Eatster, Modern Citizen and Tasty.

Andrej Konkol
ARKON, a.s.
Andrej is the CEO and founder of ARKON, a.s. In development projects he focuses mainly on the Banská Bystrica region, which he knows well and has a strong relationship with.

Peter Hulényi
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Peter works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and until 2019 he was the Head of the Representative Office of the Slovak Republic in Tel Aviv. He has been involved in spreading good practices of the Israeli start-up ecosystem to Slovakia and supporting education. He has also served as Director of the Department of Development and Humanitarian Aid.

Janette Motlová Mazini
Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology
Janette is the head of the Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology. Previously, she worked at NO From Emotion to Knowledge - Eduma, where she helped mainstream society understand and work with marginalised groups. She is a recipient of the Journalism Prize and founder of the 4th Academy for the Development of Critical Thinking.

Petra Zaťková
Lenovo Slovakia

Marek Greško
TITANS freelancers
They said of us:
Who are we?
We connect businesses, NGOs, public sector, communities and individuals to jointly achieve positive changes in responsible entrepreneurship, social innovation and philanthropy. We are also experts in these topics.